Mon-Fri: 8.30am – 4.30pm
renewable energy
Le Devoir | Quand l’avant-gardisme du Québec force des entreprises ontariennes à se franciser
Le français recule au sein des plus grandes villes du nord de l’Ontario. Mais un nouveau vent semble souffler sur Timmins depuis la nomination, en octobre 2022, d’une première mairesse franco-ontarienne. Le Devoir est allé sur place afin de faire le point sur l’état du français dans la ville au coeur d’or, rattrapée par de...
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Actual News Magazine | When Quebec’s avant-gardism in biomass forces Ontario companies to become French
French is in decline in the largest cities of northern Ontario. But a new wind seems to be blowing through Timmins since the appointment, in October 2022, of a first Franco-Ontarian mayor. The duty went there to take stock of the state of French in the city with a heart of gold, overtaken by numerous...
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The Future of Renewable Energy: Harnessing the Power of Wood
Department of Energy, which is why we have funded six teams to improve technologies that will protect eagles sharing airspace with the new wind turbines
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Français du Canada